Destiny Capital is Remote, Available, and Ready to Serve!

Destiny Capital is Remote, Available, and Ready to Serve!

Beginning on Monday, March 16, 2020, the team members of Destiny Capital will begin working remotely. Your experience and service with us will NOT be interrupted. 

The COVID-19 coronavirus has been a rapidly evolving story locally, nationally, and internationally.  At the forefront of this issue is the health, safety and security of our employees and their families, our clients, and our community.  As a firm, one of Destiny Capital’s seven core values is the ability to be ‘adaptive’. In keeping with this value, Destiny Capital has implemented many technological innovations over the years that allow us to securely and effectively operate from nearly anywhere in the world without disruption.


As members of our Colorado community, we feel that it is important to support health initiatives that may minimize the local impact of this virus using the means and methods suggested by the CDC, State and Local Officials, and doctors & medical experts.  This includes general cleanliness guidelines such as sanitation and frequent hand washing, but also social distancing measures that can inhibit direct person-to-person exposure. Therefore, out of an abundance of caution, Destiny Capital will be operating remotely and our Golden office location will remain closed for the time-being which, we hope, will minimize any unnecessary travel or COVID-19 exposure for both our employees and our trusted clients.  

This is nothing new for Destiny Capital.  We have been a mobile organization for years, which makes a decision like this much easier.  We will continue to serve our clients and meet their needs as we always have, and we hope that our efforts will contribute positively to the health of our overall community.  As always, we will communicate directly with you once the office has reopened.  

In the meantime, below are a few FAQ’s in order to address any questions that may arise.  

How will Destiny Capital conduct my meeting/review if the office is closed?  
For the time-being, all meetings will be conducted either digitally using mobile meeting services such as Zoom or GoToMeeting – or – meetings can be conducted via phone call.  Of course, we will provide you with instructions on how to attend your digital meeting in advance.

I need to speak with someone – can I still call the office?
Yes – we will be answering and responding to phone calls at (303) 277-9977, as usual.  

I sent mail to the Golden office recently.  Will it be received?
All mail will continue to be received and reviewed, as usual.  We would encourage you to share materials digitally via Dropbox, but you may also continue to mail items to our Golden office.  We also have an overnight mail slot for any in-person deliveries, but we would encourage you not to make any unnecessary trips to our office during this time.  Please contact your Client Wealth Coordinator with questions about how to share documents via Dropbox.

If I mail a check for deposit, will it be received?
You may still mail checks to our Golden office and they will be deposited as normal.

I need funds wired, checks issued, cash transferred, etc. – will there be any disruption? 
It is business as usual at Destiny Capital, and all asset movement requests will be processed as usual, and we will follow all standard protocols such as voice confirmation for withdrawal requests.

Will I still receive statements and tax documents?
Yes, there will be no interruption to the standard mailing of statements and tax documents such as 1099’s.  If you’ve signed up for E-delivery, you will continue to receive documents electronically.

I need to sign a form – what is the best way to do this?
Destiny Capital now accepts e-signatures for the vast majority of our standard forms.  If it has been requested that you sign a form, Destiny Capital will send you a notification via e-mail and you can sign electronically.  This e-signature service is convenient, simple, free, and reduces paper waste. In the rare case that you must physically sign a document, you will receive the form in the mail, as usual.

I’m concerned and have questions about the coronavirus – what should I do?
First and foremost, we want to stress that, as an organization, Destiny Capital is not panicking and we feel strongly that this issue will be resolved in time.  Statistics show that, in the vast majority of cases, COVID-19 patients exhibit mild symptoms. However, for any questions regarding best practices and how to avoid exposure, we would encourage you to review the CDC and Colorado Department of Health and Environment websites.

I miss the smiling face of my Advisor, Planner and/or Client Wealth Coordinator – what should I do?
Please be sure to stop by the Destiny Capital website to see our team and read our latest blog updates.

In closing, please know we remain diligent on monitoring your investments and goals closely. We will be active in our communication and we are here, present, and available to anything you need. We can be reached by phone (303) 277-9977 or you may email any one of the Destiny Capital team members. 

In Health, 
The Destiny Capital Team



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